Products & Services ยป Services


  • Seeds
    VFPCK produce and supply seedlings to farmers from our hi-tech seedling production units. In addition to the seeds and seedlings, Grow bags and Manures for homestead garden are available for sale at VFPCK Krishi Business Kendra (KBK).
  • Planting Materials
    VFPCK produce and supply seedlings to farmers from our hi-tech seedling production units. Seedlings of hybrids and cool season vegetables, Tissue culture plantlets, Quality fruit plant grafts, Quality suckers, tubers and cuttings, Quality flowering plants are available at VFPCK- KBK . In addition to the seeds and seedlings, Grow bags and Manures for homestead garden are available for sale at VFPCK- KBK.
  • Mushrooms
    For promotion of mushroom cultivation, regular training programmes are being arranged by VFCK. Training kits comprising of spawn , polythene covers and booklet for starters in mushroom cultivation are also being supplied
  • Organic Farming & Bio/Organic Products
    In view of Organic farming concepts, Use of biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Biopesticides, a contraction of 'biological pesticides', include several types of pest management intervention: through predatory, parasitic, or chemical relationships. VFPCK provides bio-fertilisers, organic manures and biopesticides via the KBK
  • Haritha Nagari
    "Haritha Nagari", the terrace gardening scheme of VFPCK, an urban homestead farming venture might appear a god-send to those who have been looking for some alternatives. VFPCK provides potted vegetable seedlings that people grow in the premises of the house.
  • Books & Publications
    VFPCK publishes 'Krishiankanam' , a bi-monthly Malayalam publication covering fruit and vegetable sector. VFPCK publishes many books, brochures and Video CDs. Visit our publications section for more details.
  • Package of Practices
    With a view to provide technical knowledge to the extension functionaries and farmers in the States, VFPCK has developed package of practices for different crops with the latest research inputs from State Agricultural Universities and Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR) .
  • Weather Data
    With the objective of providing timely weather advises to the farmers and supplementing better inputs for crop-weather research, VFPCK has set up a network of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in the State.
  • Trainings / Field visits
    VFPCK focuses on empowerment of farmers through training. Study visits are organized for staff and farmers to have an exposure in national and international agriculture related activities. Our training sessions are for Crop production, crop management and crop protection , Post harvest handling and value addition. Homestead vegetable cultivation. Mushroom cultivation and spawn production Organic farming, Cultivation of cool season vegetables, Seed production, post harvest handling and processing, Precision farming, poly house cultivation etc.