Products & Services � Package of Practices

Botanical Name: Daucus carota
Pusa Kesar: Roots scarlet in colour wth red central core.Delayed bolting.
Nantes Half Long: Commonly known as Nantes. Small,slim, rough,sweet, cylindrical roots with abrupt tail.Self coloured core.
Pusa Meghali: Long orange coloured roots.Self coloured core.
Chantenay: Reddish orange roots. Suitable for canning.
Danvers: Imported variety.Conical shape.
Imperator: Imported variety.Pointed roots.
Climate & Soil: Well drained loose sandy loam soil is best suited. A temperature range of 15.5 – 21 degree celsius is the best for colour development and for root growth and development a range of 18.3 – 23.9 degree celsius prefered.
Season: August –January
Seed rate: 5-6 kg/ha.
Spacing: Can be sown in ridges of about 20 cm height. Ridges are taken 45 cm apart and seeds sown 10 cm apart on rows.
Nutrient management : Apply FYM 20t/ha as basal. N: P2O5: K2O of 75:62.5: 50 is beneficial. Half dose of N and full dose of P+K can be given as basal. Top dressing with 37.5 Kg may be done one month after sowing.
Crop Management: Thinning weeding and earthing up is essential. Irrigation required.
Pest Management :
  • Carrot rust fly: Maggots burrow into the roots.Seed treatment with thiram 3gm/Kg of seed will take care of damage.
Disease Management :
  • Fusarium rot : Affects the root quality. Provide proper drainage. Dip seed in water at 50 degree Celsius for 15 mts before planting as prophylatic measure.
Harvesting: Harvesting can be done 70-85 days after sowing. Light irrigation required before harvesting.
Yield: 20-25t/ha
Post Harvesting: Harvested fruits are put in basket and put in flowing water.Partially dried, trimmed and transported.
Seed Collection:
